
Here you can find an extensive list of all the equipment we have available for hire at Mad Dogs Television.

You can also find technical specifications, user manuals and downloads for all the equipment we have available. Our equipment arsenal specialises in any genre from TV, Film and corporate productions to vlogging and home video.

If you’re not sure what you need our in-house camera team are ready to offer advice on what you might need to achieve the shots you want whilst working to your budget, use the contact pages for details on how to get in touch directly.

Simply select the category relevant to what you’ve after, everything is sorted by its type, camera, lenses, lighting etc.

Showing 1–16 of 28 results

Apple Logo Arri Logo Blackmagic Design Logo Canon Logo Chrosziel Logo Dedolight Logo DJI Logo GoPro Logo Hawk-Woods Logo IDX Logo Kinoflo Logo Manfrotto Logo Metabones Logo Panasonic Logo Portabrace Logo Rode Logo Samyang Logo Sandisk Logo Sennheiser Logo Sigma Logo Sachtler Logo Small HD Logo Small Rig Logo Sony Logo Sound Devices Logo Tiffen Logo TV Logic Logo Zeiss Logo

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